This series of ten collages is about the Coronavirus Pandemic that began in 2020.
Intense colors define these compositions.
The word "weavers" is a synonym for creativity, life, and the activity of building.
Disintegrating leaves and bird wings serve as metaphors for the progression of memory loss.
Quiet, meditative images were created using the transfer method of drawing that Paul Klee developed in 1919.
Using Paul Klee's transfer method of mark making, these drawings feature a group of gymnasts who contort in ways that only pencil on paper can concoct.
Birds, in this series, are seen as prophets who can foretell the future.
Abstract compositions are created with collage, hand printing, screenprinting and etching.
These works were created in 2001 in response to the September 11 tragedy.
Our home is filled with unusual objects because my husband is quite a collector of, well, everything. Each scene in this series depicts a fantastical situation featuring an unlikely combination of his finds.